Friday, March 25, 2011

oldies so good they deserve a 2nd chance...

the moments where i feel old can usually be attributed to some sort of physical discomfort: debilitating shortness of breath after having run 0.1 miles, lower back pain the morning after the day i ran the same 0.1 miles, relentless sprouting of white hairs in the most visible parts of my hairpart, etc. but earlier this week, i felt old bc of an external indicator: the dj on the "hip" dc station alluded to the classic 70's show "chips," and referred to the great "ponch" as that "poncherella guy." and he spoke with an irreverent lack of familiarity, like, "wasn't there some cop show called, was it, chips?" much as if, i talked about something like, i dunno, gunsmoke? i was like, PONCH. it's PONCH. how hard is that to remember? granted, his official last name according to imdb, was "poncherello." anyway, they shared this fun newsy morsel about some california motorcycle cop who accidentally collided into a stationary vehicle, which just happened to be a convertible, so he flipped over and landed in the backseat, completely unharmed. cute story. but back to chips.

all judgment of child-appropriate tv viewing aside (my parents immigrated to the states in 1969, and i was born in 1974, so hey, i had to learn english somehow!, as did they!), my earliest tv memories are hazy images strung together from chips, charlie's angels, and of course, 3's company. i could probably sing the opening tune to 3's company right now if my life depended on it..."come and knock on my door..."

my fear of clowns likely derived from a charlie's angels episode in which the villain ended up being a clown, who was chased after by the 3 angels wearing stiletto heels in some creepy gameroom on a boardwalk. to this day, i think gamerooms near the beach are kind of creepy (and bc i don't want my kids to have weird memories like this, i'm constantly wondering which experiences they will store away similarly) i used to pretend i was an angel, and wait for my dad to walk unsuspecting down the hallway of my home, and i'd turn the corner, and yell "FREEZE!" all jaclyn smith-like (i couldn't relate to farrah, and kate jackson's raspy voice bugged me), and scare the living daylights out of him. (only children can still find many creative ways to have fun)

and i LOOOOVED chips. i was too young to have a real crush, that came many years later (bless your heart rick schroder, i loved silver spoons). but i did have a keen sense that ponch was way cooler than officer jon baker. i mean, look at even the names.

so, to bring us all up to speed, bc hollywood is notoriously bad at coming up with original ideas, we've all fallen victim to remakes of old grand ideas, such as the movie renditions (and unfortunate sequels) of charlie's angels. tho i do hear that they're planning to do a tv version with minka kelly as one of the angels. i totally have a female crush on minka kelly. sidenote: i GET why boys like jessica alba, and i totally get why they like minka kelly too. jessica biel, not so much.

anyway, i would LOVE to see a remake of chips, and i even have a casting idea -- i think josh holloway would rock the role of ponch, while still making it fresh. i have no idea who his pasty counterpart should be, do you? and what shows would you like to see redone all 2011-style?

Monday, March 7, 2011

kitchen tasks i hate doing or...why my kids eat so many carbs

1) poking holes in potatoes when prepping them to be baked. not sure why but i hate doing it.
2) dealing w/poultry in any shape or form. a chix might seem to be a cleaner animal than a pig, but i'd rather deal w/pork any day. (a strange way to consider the issue i realize)
3) cutting gim (sheets of seaweed). a 30-sec task that results in 600% times more cleanup time. have yet to figure out a way to minimize a spray of gim crumbs covering all parts of my kitchen counter and floors.
4) deep frying anything.
5) frying bacon or sausage links. yet i love the end result so much that i will still do it.
6) boiling eggs. my mom taught me that adding a tsp of vinegar will make the egg shells easier to peel. what she neglected to tell me is that my kitchen will smell like pickles for the subsequent 48 hours.