Wednesday, July 17, 2013

deep thought #1

what's the difference between an "incentive-based reward system" and bribery? lately, to lure o into practicing piano, or to "encourage" k to do, well, almost anything, i've been saying, "first you do this, THEN you can do this." but is that bribery? or am i teaching them how to prioritize?

i have no idea anymore.

i hate "honest kids" juice pouches. i know so many lovely, virtuous moms who, if they are not pumping calorie-free, preservative-free, everything-free ice cold water (in a bpa-free thermos that their kids never lose unlike my son who averages a new water bottle every 3 mths) into their children, or organic milk (not even chocolate milk), this is as low as they will stoop in the sugar water category. i admire them. and i appreciate them for not judging me when i whip out the cheap tasty capri-suns with nary a nano-second of hesitation.  they could resent me for exposing their kids to the evils of capri-suns, but they don't.

i tried the "honest kids" juice pouch route for a while.  and in fact, i have a bulk pack sitting in my laundry room right now, much in vain.  i am trying.  but the impossibility of poking the straw through the hole is what gets me every time.  i have a 40% accuracy of getting the straw in the first time.  and if it doesn't puncture the pouch the first time, the straw is bent, damaged beyond repair, and then it's poke. poke. POKE. start looking for sharp objects to puncture the blasted pouch (and myself at this point bc i'm so pissed off).   i'm still not sure if it's worth it.  i don't know why the "honest drink" company could not invest a bit more research into their packaging, given their 30% markup in price compared to other drinks.

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